Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Painting connection with a viewer

I just received a very kind email about this piece:
©2009 Josh McCallister

Established is the fifth painting in a series on repentance and cleansing. It was on display for a show about the season of Lent at the Evanston Atelier, Evanston IL...

As the last image in the series, I was showing new growth and good roots. At the risk of being a little preachy, my thoughts were: repentance starts with realizing there is something negative that is rotting away something good and we realize there is something worth preserving. And then there is some darkness in not knowing what happens when we release the sin. Grace meets us in the darkness. And in the end, these battles of the soul form us into more mature yet broken people.

I'm pretty fond of the color scheme here. The shapes are all organic. The content is pretty obvious, I'll admit. (Green little plant = new growth...) What do you think: Does the painting work without the other four parts to the series?

In this case, I think the person who wrote to me had not seen it in real life. It's a great feeling to have my image connect emotionally with somebody out there! Cheers to the internet.

1 comment:

  1. I'm no art buff. I like the colors. I like the way you overlap images. At first I misinterpreted the roots as thorns. So, I saw it as the new growth amongst danger or death, (which was inspirational for me). I think if I saw it with the other pieces of the series I would have caught on to your intent. Nice.
